
The Full-Stack Marketer

Weekly marketing strategies for small businesses with efficiency and effectiveness in mind.

🚨 Is Faulty Tracking Wreaking Havoc on Your Google Ads?

Hey Reader, Ready to save time with ChatGPT for your Google Ad Creation? This meticulously designed guide aids you in crafting persuasive, impactful, and high-converting ads using the power of AI, specifically OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The guide covers: Ad Headlines Ad Descriptions Keyword Lists Ad Extensions Get access for only $19 👉 📖 weekly read ↓ A Step-by-Step Case Study on Correcting Imported GA4 Data The Problem: Misaligned Conversion Tracking Google Ads conversion tracking is critical for...

Are you on Apple Maps yet?

Hey Reader, Small businesses think Google Ads are expensive. It's true, but only if you don't have it set up properly. One of my clients is offering in-store discounts exclusively from ads. GOAL: Create measurable ads. Looking for more ways to optimize your Google Ads? Get my best tips (in under an hour) for only $65. 📖 weekly read ↓ Why Your Business Needs an Apple Maps Listing (Just Like Google Maps) For local businesses, discoverability is everything. When customers search for services...

🏆 Text Message Marketing: Stop Ignoring This Goldmine

Hey Reader, I had a meeting with a client last week. They had a GREAT month of December & January but the beginning of February wasn't looking great. What did I do? I asked questions. Is something not trending the right way? Get your hands dirty. Do the work. Want to work together? Let's book a call 👉 📖 weekly read ↓ Unlocking the Power of Text Message Marketing: A Practical Guide for Small Businesses You're wasting money if you’re not using text message marketing yet. With open rates as high...

📆 Avoid These Things in 2025 in Google Ads

Hey Reader, Have a Google Ads account that needs help? No commitment is needed! I'm offering Google Ad Audits for 50% OFF for the month of February... ...but hurry, there's only 5 spots available! Book your account audit today 👉 Use code: FEB50 for 50% OFF! 🎥 weekly video ↓ Marketing automation can boost sales productivity by 14.5%. 📖 weekly read ↓ Google Ads in 2025: What to Stop, Start, and Continue Google Ads isn’t what it was a few years ago. Strategies that used to work are now draining...

🥷 5 Google Ad Myths - and how to combat them

Hey Reader, Did you recently launch a new landing page? Get it reviewed for only $45! Book your SiteRevue 👉 🎥 weekly video ↓ Are you sharing your values as a brand? Maybe it's time you do... 📖 weekly read ↓ 5 Google Ads Myths That Are Holding Your Business Back Google Ads is one of the most powerful tools for driving leads and sales, but many small business owners and marketers struggle to get the results they want. Why? Because they fall into common misconceptions that waste their budget and...

😳 This Google Strategy Resulted in 3x Conversion Rate

Hey Reader, Back in November, I had a client straight up say to me, "We're losing money." What did I do? I doubled the efforts, tested more copy, and optimized their campaigns. You won't believe the last 30-day results. 🎥 weekly video ↓’s homepage—brilliant or bland? 🤔 As a die-hard Apple fan, I took a lunch break to dive into their design & marketing strategy. Here’s what stood out (and what fell flat). Watch my full review: Working With... Slick Text: #1 SMS Marketing Service...

🚀 Owning Your Audience & Bulk Planning Your Emails

Hey Reader, I used to think keeping my best strategies to myself would help me stay ahead. But as I connect with more marketers, I understand the power of sharing. After all, we're all experimenting in this digital world together, right? This week, I've launched The Full-Stack Hub, a collection of my best strategies available to you. Great for in-house marketers 👉 🎥 This Week's VIDEO ↓ TikTok may be banned on Sunday. Just another moment to remember to "own" your audience. 📖 This Week's...

🤔 Why “Smart Ads” Are Actually Dumb

Hey Reader, Whatever holiday you celebrate, including time off from work, I hope it's a magical season for you. I will be taking off a couple of weeks from the newsletter to work on my upcoming Google Ads Course - sign up for early bird prices👉 This Week's Feature ↓ Stop Wasting Money on “Smart” Ads – Learn What Works Google Ads are a game-changer for small businesses, but not when they’re running on autopilot. If you've dabbled in Google's "Smart" ad campaigns, you’ve probably noticed one...

💵 I'm attempting to turn $100 into $100,000 with AI

Hey Reader, I have something exciting for you today—something that can transform how you approach Google Ads! First, I’m giving away my Service-Based Google Ads Hacks completely FREE: 👉 Download the Free Hacks Here This guide is packed with proven strategies to: Save money on your ad campaigns. Attract high-quality leads. Start seeing results right away. Get Ready to Go Even Further! If you find these hacks valuable, imagine what you could accomplish with a step-by-step guide to mastering...

🤫 The Secret to Staying Top-of-Mind: Google & Meta Ads

Hey Reader, LIMITED TIME OFFER: I'm offering 20% OFF all Google & Meta Ads Management Services for any new 6-month contracts. At least $1,800 in savings! Ready to get started on ads? Book Time To Talk→ Hurry, the offer ends on 12/31/24 This Week's Feature ↓ Ready to Grow? Here’s Why Google & Meta Ads Are Non-Negotiable If you want your business to grow, you can’t afford to wait for customers to stumble across you. Online ads are how businesses today stay relevant, visible, and ahead of the...

Weekly marketing strategies for small businesses with efficiency and effectiveness in mind.