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The Full-Stack Marketer

⏰ saving 1-2 hours a week with

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I just got back from snowboarding in Vermont with friends. The best part? Checking my stats with the Slopes app - a winter-sport must-have.

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“I love reading the quick emails Matt sends. He shares online gold that you may have missed.” - Virginia, The Full-Stack Marketer

Please note: Some links below are affiliate links - you buy, I earn, at no cost to you.

This Week's Feature ↓

Streamline Dev Requests with

My job is marketing my family-owned scrap yard in New Jersey. We pride ourselves on being technologically advanced compared to others in our industry.

In our family of brands, we also own iScrap - a website and app directory of scrap yards and prices.

So, I work with a lot of developers.

Since 2012, I've overseen $500K+ in development projects, so organization is a must for me! → Enter

My work lives and dies using*, so I created a workflow for all developer requests to save me 1-2 hours a week.

Wait, what is Monday is a complete Work OS (operating system) that lets teams collaborate on projects and initiatives and set better expectations with easier communication.

👾 Submitting MY Dev requests

Sending my email request to my developer team...

Monday has this handy feature that allows you to email tasks to various boards or projects. My unique email address saved in my contacts gets BCC'ed to all emails to my developer team.

That email and its contents are copied into my "Dev Board" on Monday for reference and tracking of the task.

The new tasks are then passed to the Monday Board

That email then creates a new item in my "Dev Board" so I can add deadlines, priorities, and updates for my entire team.

All details from the email are included in the Item Updates

One of my favorite parts is the original email, along with all the contents like links, images, videos, and more, which are included on Monday so I can see exactly what I requested.

Some of the benefits of this feature are:

  • Saving me time on logging requests
  • Updating my team on requests
  • Searching through historical changes on the site/app
  • Keeping track of hours and invoices from our dev team

When I'm finished with requests, I simply close them out, and they are archived on the board.

💡 iDEAS FOR This Feature

Monday offers so many solutions for all business types and sizes; this "email to board" feature is excellent for several solutions:

  • PTO Requests - team members email directly
  • Tracking Sales - BCC cold emails you send out for tracking
  • Invoices or Bills - use the email to track costs
  • Forward Receipts - to your finance department
  • Write-Ups - no one likes them, but it's vital to log them

Monday is a powerful tool, but features like this make it unique.

Start saving time and monitoring your work better.

📰 Other Marketing News ↓

  • My team saves 47 hours on Monday (link)
  • Utilize your YouTube logo in videos (get file)
  • Amanda's #1 rule for emails (link)
  • It's not 'just' an email being sent (link)
  • My running buddy is back on 𝕏 (yay!)

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Affiliate Disclaimer: To cover the cost of the time I spend writing these emails, I occasionally link to products, some of which are affiliate links. If you choose to buy through my links, THANK YOU - it will make it possible for me to keep doing this. Affiliate = *

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The Full-Stack Marketer

Weekly marketing strategies for SMBs with efficiency and effectiveness in mind.

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