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The Full-Stack Marketer

🚫 Meetings Suck. Try These 5 Things Before Scheduling.

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5 Communication Solutions To Try First

Tired of unnecessary meetings? Let’s face it, most meetings suck.

But what if you could get things done without them? Here are five effective communication methods before scheduling your next meeting:

#1 Email The classic written word.

Emails are great for documenting everything, so when sending one, be sure to:

  • Include all parties
  • Share a clear goal
  • Mention any problems
  • Share your ideas
  • Set a deadline

This method ensures that everyone is on the same page. However, if the email thread loses focus (or someone forgets to hit 'reply all'), it might be time to try a different approach.

#2 Use a Video or Screenshots.

Visual communication can be a game-changer. Sometimes, showing is better than telling. Tools like Loom or simple screenshots can help you convey your message visually.

I use Looms in my emails with clients to communicate. It's really helpful because my schedules don't often align with theirs.

A concise 5-minute video can often replace a lengthy 30-minute meeting, making your point clearer and more impactful. This method is especially useful for explaining complex ideas or demonstrating processes.

#3 Use a Work OS.

Organize your work with a Work OS like A Work OS (Operating System) helps your team stay organized.

With a tool like, you can see deadlines, share files, and collaborate on different aspects of a project. This centralizes communication and keeps everyone on track without convening a meeting.

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#4 Use a Chat Message.

Use a chat system like Slack for quick, simple discussions. It’s perfect for when you need an immediate response or need to discuss something trivial.

Chat messages keep the conversation brief and focused, avoiding the formality and length of an email or meeting.

Warning: Chat messages get lost in daily conversations, so it's best to drop it in an email if it's an important topic.

#5 Collaborative Document.

Get everyone’s thoughts in one place. Collaborative documents allow everyone to communicate and contribute in one place. Tools like Google Docs or Microsoft OneNote let team members add their thoughts, edit content, and comment on each other’s input in real-time.

This method ensures everyone can review and reflect on the contributions, fostering better collaboration.

Why These Methods Matter:

Implementing these methods not only saves time but also improves communication. By reducing the number of meetings, you can focus more on actual work and less on coordinating schedules.

Sometimes, the best option is to have a Meeting.

When you do need to schedule one, ensure it’s productive by:

  • Setting a clear agenda
  • Sharing the agenda in advance
  • Defining the meeting’s goals
  • Assigning specific takeaways and responsibilities to attendees
Bonus Tip: Always prepare a meeting summary afterward, highlighting key points and next steps.

Time to Take Action & Change Your Thinking...

Ready to reduce your meetings and increase productivity? Implement these methods and see how much more you can accomplish.

Remember, the goal is to streamline communication, save time, and enhance productivity.

Thank you for being a valued subscriber. If you have any questions or need further tips, feel free to reply to this email. I'm here to help!


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The Full-Stack Marketer

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