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The Full-Stack Marketer

๐ŸŽฅ Increase YouTube Views with Better Titles

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UPDATE: I don't want to pigeon-hole subscribers like yourself to "clicking through" to outside links to learn from me.

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This Week's Feature โ†“

12% Jump in Video Views on YouTube

Recently, I studied more video titles and subject lines that made me *click*.

I wanted to see why they made me click.

  • What reaction did they give me?
  • What sparked my curiosity to click?
  • Was I satisfied after I clicked?

I then applied those answers I found to my YouTube videos in scrap recycling.

The results? An increase of 12% in views in 90 days, including 23% jump in subscribers.

To be honest...during that same time we also increased our posting of Shorts on YouTube (their TikTok/Reels-like videos) which attributed to more views and subscribers too.

But, the views of videos specifically (not including Shorts) were the ones that were increasing during that time.

So what did I do to make these video titles better?

I thought about my audience longer than I had in the past.

Typically, I would just write a quick title and send it over to my virtual assistant to schedule, along with a thumbnail.

Now, I am taking time to write a better video title with a better thumbnail too.

Previous Example

  • Simple title - straightforward topic
  • Non-important thumbnail caption

New Example

  • "Wait" added anticipation for the viewer
  • Thumbnail caption adds context at-a-glance
You can see, despite the previous example being posted 6 months ago, the new example has over 6,000 more views and was only posted 11 days ago!

My 5 tips for crafting a youtube title

  • Take your time - don't just rattle off the first title that comes to mind
  • Think about reactions - what should subscribers & new viewers expect?
  • Add anticipation - use emotional words like "wait", "truth" & "boost"
  • Use the full length - 100 characters to use, while 60-70 perform best
  • Pair with a good thumbnail - use it to enhance the expectation

Want to get even better at writing YouTube titles?

I get Creator Hooks delivered to my inbox weekly.

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Creator Hooks

Creator Hooks is a weekly breakdown of 5 viral YouTube videos, why they work, and how you can use the same strategies to grow your channel.


๐Ÿ“ฐ Other Marketing News โ†“

  • What's a Full-Stack Marketer? (read)
  • What's better: Paid Ads or SEO? (read)
  • Campaign not ready? Don't worry. (watch)
  • Increase Shopify Conversions (read)
  • Don't post on ๐• about... (read)

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The Full-Stack Marketer

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