
Full-Stack Marketing

👩‍🔬 I'm basically a scientist.

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This Week's Feature ↓

Experiments in Marketing Always Win.

How a $30/Day Campaign Outperformed My $108/Day Campaign in Just 2 Weeks

If you’ve been running Google Ads for a while, setting your campaigns and letting them run is tempting.

After all, once you’ve dialed in your targeting and keywords, the hard work is done, right?


As a Google Ads strategist, I'll tell you that continual testing is non-negotiable if you want to dominate your market.

Recently, I ran a test that surprised even me. I ran two campaigns side by side—a hefty $108/day campaign I’d been using for a while and a brand-new $30/day experiment.

At first glance, most businesses would lean toward the bigger budget, thinking that more money equals more results. However, after two weeks of head-to-head comparison, the results were precise:

The $30/day campaign crushed the $108/day version.

Here’s what happened...

Campaign A: $108/Day - “The Old Guard”

This campaign had been running for a while, delivering decent results with a respectable conversion rate of 20.37%. It wasn’t bad, but I knew it had room for improvement.

Campaign B: $30/Day - “The Challenger”

This experiment was designed to test a hypothesis: Can I drive better results on a fraction of the budget?

The first four days weren’t anything to write home about. Considering the small budget, the cost-per-click (CPC) was hovering at a pretty high $2.50—almost alarming. But I held my ground. Campaigns need time to settle, and Google’s machine learning algorithms need room to optimize, so I let it ride.

Sure enough, by day five, the CPC dropped to $0.60. Conversions started rolling in at a rate I hadn’t anticipated.

The Final Results:

One Week with "The Old Guard"

  • Conversion Rate: 20%
  • Cost: $785
  • Conversions: 100
  • Cost/Conversion: $7.87

One Week with "The Challenger"

  • Conversion Rate: 28%
  • Cost: $211
  • Conversions: 103
  • Cost/Conversion: $2.05

👩‍🔬 Why Testing is Critical

This experiment is a perfect example of why you should never set your Google Ads campaigns and forget them.

If I had been complacent about the $108/day campaign, I would have missed the opportunity to optimize my ad spend massively.

In today’s fast-moving digital landscape, resting on your laurels is the quickest way to fall behind. Testing isn’t just an option—it’s your marketing responsibility.

By continually refining your campaigns, you can stay ahead of the competition and maximize your budget. Whether you’re testing different bidding strategies, audiences, or even smaller tweaks like ad copy and creatives, there’s always room for improvement.

Why This Matters for Your Business

Businesses throw money at underperforming campaigns because they assume higher budgets will fix the problem.

Spoiler alert: They don’t. What fixes the problem is a smart strategy, ongoing testing, and careful monitoring.

With my team of Google Ads experts, we specialize in taking your existing campaigns and optimizing them for maximum efficiency. Whether you’re a small business running ads on a tight budget or have room to experiment, we can help you get more for your money.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your Google Ads? My team is here to elevate your paid campaigns, drive more conversions, and get real results.

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Full-Stack Marketing

Weekly marketing strategies for small businesses with efficiency and effectiveness in mind.

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